My Weekend in Pictures...(Sorta)

Well, I had an interview yesterday...
But I am definitely still looking!


Thursday 17 2009

My mom went to her 40 Year High school Reunion...And I made the favors...

Friday 18 2009

Ride the Wave!...Roots...I'm 14 Weeks Post...

Saturday 19 2009

Um... I did a look...So here are the pics and the link to the tut...

Monday 21 2009

A flower from my's a Zinnia...It has grown to be as tall as me... (I'm 5'2)...

...don't know if you can tell but it's nowhere near the ground...

Ruff and Tuff with my Afro(like) Puff....


Unknown said…
i love the star picture :)
lalaliybean said…
that's a nice look. i love the liner accent that you did for the lower lash line.
Anonymous said…
Eyes are green!!!! love!!!!

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