
Showing posts from September, 2010

I am FAT...

I'm sure you already could tell... But yeah... I'm making it even more known... are my stats... I am 24... I am 5ft 2ins tall...and I weigh (give or take) 255lbs... Yes... I know that's huge... Here is why I eat... I'm stressed... I'm depressed... I'm bored... Occasionally I'm actually hungry... I'm Unhappy... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been recently thinking a lot about my weight, and what challenges it may put on my life, health, and overall well-being... Now I'm not going to sit here and say I hate being fat, because honestly that's just not the case for me...I mean I guess it should if I use others as a guideline of what I should and shouldn't look like... I've just come to the realization that I should lose some of this... I mean as far a doctor sees it... I am morbidly..... morbidly obese... I am 100+lbs over what they think I should be... And I g...

Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow....

Just an update.... I relaxed my hair on Sept. 11 2010.. Here are some pics... I am APL....  Hopefully my sides will catch up and I'll be able to claim full APL in 2011... The back mostly like will be in the BSL area by then.... My next relax is set for January/ February... Happy Growing!

Good Men/ Bad Men... Good Women/Bad Women...

Generally, I like to stay out of the huge issues... My opinions are my own... and I like that... I tend not argue ppl down... trying to get them to agree with me because we as human beings are all entitled to think they way we want... So today I stumbled across this video...   A Warning To White Women And basically she is "warning" white women against the dangers of a certain group of black men to which she has named the "BBD Crew" which stands for Broke Busted and Disgusted... No while watching this video I couldn't help but find some of her points interesting....and dare I say valid... But I wouldn't dareas to go as far as to limit this "BBD Crew" to the black race... I KNOW there are plenty of men who just are no good... Now let's pretend like lots of men read my blog for a minute... I know that the "BBD Crew" can and does refer to women as well... of all races.... So after watching that video... I was led to other video disc...

Yeah... No...

Remeber I said I was going to be stretching my relaxers to 6 months... Well...yeah... that's not going to happen... Maybe thats a venture for the winter months when my hair isn't growing like crazy... So yeah...I'm not even going to wait the three weeks I had planned... My hair probably will be relaxed in the next two weeks at 15/16 weeks post... I was supposed to wait until October 1st... but it looks highly unlikely...seeing as I can't comb my hair... So yeah... My last relax was May 31st... and it's been 3.5 months... And my naps/kinks/coils...are out of control... I'll try my extended stretch in the fall... maybe that'll work... Progress pics...or the lack there off... Will be up soon... Watch Me Grow!