Yeah... No...

Remeber I said I was going to be stretching my relaxers to 6 months...
Well...yeah... that's not going to happen...

Maybe thats a venture for the winter months when my hair isn't growing like crazy...

So yeah...I'm not even going to wait the three weeks I had planned...
My hair probably will be relaxed in the next two weeks at 15/16 weeks post...
I was supposed to wait until October 1st... but it looks highly unlikely...seeing as I can't comb my hair...

So yeah...
My last relax was May 31st... and it's been 3.5 months...
And my naps/kinks/coils...are out of control...
I'll try my extended stretch in the fall... maybe that'll work...

Progress pics...or the lack there off... Will be up soon...
Watch Me Grow!


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