Good Men/ Bad Men... Good Women/Bad Women...
Generally, I like to stay out of the huge issues...
My opinions are my own... and I like that...
I tend not argue ppl down... trying to get them to agree with me because we as human beings are all entitled to think they way we want...
So today I stumbled across this video...
And basically she is "warning" white women against the dangers of a certain group of black men to which she has named the "BBD Crew" which stands for Broke Busted and Disgusted...
No while watching this video I couldn't help but find some of her points interesting....and dare I say valid...
But I wouldn't dareas to go as far as to limit this "BBD Crew" to the black race...
I KNOW there are plenty of men who just are no good...
Now let's pretend like lots of men read my blog for a minute...
I know that the "BBD Crew" can and does refer to women as well... of all races....
So after watching that video...
I was led to other video discussing the plight of the single black female...
Why we are single...
What our flaws are...
We are too demanding, overbearing, confrontational, ignorant, unwilling, unmoving and insubordinate...
We are too loose, we are evil, we are materialistic...the list goes on...

What our flaws are...
We are too demanding, overbearing, confrontational, ignorant, unwilling, unmoving and insubordinate...
We are too loose, we are evil, we are materialistic...the list goes on...
As well as more videos talking about why black men are no good.
Why black men have turned away from black women...
Why black men have no desire or interest in finding a black woman...
They hate their mothers, they feel superior to black women, they have been brainwashed by the euro-centric concepts of our world, they are weak and unable to handle a strong black woman...the list continues...
They hate their mothers, they feel superior to black women, they have been brainwashed by the euro-centric concepts of our world, they are weak and unable to handle a strong black woman...the list continues...
In one video I watched the young man when as far as to say that the reason he can no longer tolerate black women is because we are loose, that all we want is sex... that we want to dominate the relationship and that we are essentially the devil, or demons as he put it....
You know all this debate disheartens me, as a black woman who is readily seeking an intelligent black male, who is worth my submission. Looking at the videos, makes me start to feel a as tho it will be pretty close to impossible to overcome the odds of finding someone who I believe to be one my level...
No, not someone with lots of money, and fast car...
Someone who is honest, loyal, educated, intelligent, god-fearing and interesting...
I just can't believe how easily we as human beings generalize each other...
We really need to stop putting each other in boxes...
Hmm... this is definitely a ramble...
it doesn't even make sense...
