
Showing posts from January, 2011

Master Cleanse Wrap-Up

So yesterday would have been the last day of my master cleanse... But as you know I only lasted 6 days...instead of 10.... I lost 16 lbs while on it... But like most liquid diets the weight doesn't stay off once you start eating real food again... Also... my colon is CLEAN... I don't know if that's an overshare... but it makes me happy to know that... So it's more like 9 lbs that were actually lost... So today I weight 260lbs... I enjoyed the Master Cleanse....  And I wish I could have continued.... I more then likely will try it again... With better planning...

Master Cleanse Day 6....

Today started off like the rest of my days ..... Except I couldn't bring myself to drink the "lemonade".. It tasted and smelled like puke to me.... So I decided to go ahead and cut my master cleansr short... I lasted almost 6 days... I lost a total of 16 lbs on the cleanse... Maybe more but I won't know until my period is over... I actually think I lost a little over 20... So I had some grapefruit juice and a few goldfidh crackers.... I dont knoe if that was a good idea... I felt really sick... Anyways... I'm getting serious about this weight loss thing cause.... I'm too huge...

Master Cleanse Day 5...

255lbs today... You'd think I cheated... I weighed myself this morning and it read 252lbs... Then I got my .period. Welp... I'm halfway thru...

Master Cleanse Day 4...

253lbs today... WOOT!

A Mish...

Of random stuff from the last few weeks... A break from Master Cleanse rambles... New Years, Hair, Makeup... Cam whoring...  'tis all... lol...isn't this the most awesome pic? I was wylin' cause I was hungry, tired, and hot... My friend Will was clearly dying laughing at me... Oh yeah... and I threw my purse...this is right before the release... purse on the floor... dying laughing cause Will keep on yelling about me being drunk.. I was not! I spent New Years in Philly and Jersey...Atlantic City to be exact...  We left around 10:30ish... and we got in Philly just as 12 hit... We were supposed to go to this whack club...  I didn't want to go...  I hate clubs...  But I would have gone simply because, well I wasn't home...  I was dressed up...not really but kinda... and well...It was New Years... We had a minor rolling with us... cause we were under the assumption that the club was *sigh* 18 and older... *shudders*... But it wasn't so we couldn't g...

Master Cleanse Day 3...

258lbs today... I had the day off so I didn't do much... I do feel a little tired/ lightheaded when I'm not regularly drinking the "lemonade"... So I guess I have to work on actually drinking it in scheduled intervals, so the lightheaded-ness doesn't settle in... Also I've decided to incorporate more water into my cleanse... Maybe drinking a liter and a half of lemonade...  and about a half liter of water to make up my 3 quart daily intake... On to Day 4...

Master Cleanse Day 2...

260lbs today... On to day three....

Master Cleanse Day 1...

So today was the first day of my master cleanse... By the end of the day I'll will drink nearly a gallon of "Lemonade"... My initial reaction to it is a good one...  I mean I really don't hate the taste... And it can be better depending on how much maple syrup you put in it... I'm sure I'll wake up feeling lighter and being lighter... It sure was hard watching my coworkers eat M&M's, Pretzels, Twix Bars, Doritos and the like... But I guess I'm determined to at least get someway into this cleanse... lol! at least being 3-4 days... But I figure once I hit day 4, it'll be a bit breezy... I intend to lose about 20 lbs... while doing this cleanse... My starting weight is a ghastly 269 lbs... OUTRAGEOUS!  Holiday weight is a female dog.... So hopefully I'll be back in the 50's....  then I can start a nice well balanced zig-zag diet... and a decent workout reg. I think I'll like a zig-zag/liquid diet... And I know effective workout ...

Master Cleanse

So I've been researching the Master Cleanse for about a week now...  And I've finally decided to go on an do it...  I believe I'll be starting my cleanse on Monday... And I'll be doing it for  10 or 14 days to start...  I have read that people do it for up to 40 days...  Which is gangster... But yeah... I'll probably blog some of those days to let you know how I feel... Here goes nothing!

I am...

Just to lazy to do a tut, or a look or anything... How are you?

Happy NEW Year Y'all!

I suck because we are 5 days into a NEW YEAR and I haven't greeted y'all... Woe is me... HAPPY NEW YEAR!