Master Cleanse Day 6....

Today started off like the rest of my days .....
Except I couldn't bring myself to drink the "lemonade"..
It tasted and smelled like puke to me....

So I decided to go ahead and cut my master cleansr short...
I lasted almost 6 days...
I lost a total of 16 lbs on the cleanse...
Maybe more but I won't know until my period is over...
I actually think I lost a little over 20...

So I had some grapefruit juice and a few goldfidh crackers....
I dont knoe if that was a good idea...
I felt really sick...

Anyways... I'm getting serious about this weight loss thing cause.... I'm too huge...


Carol said…
6 days is a very formidable length so don't feel too down. If you are going to try the cleanse again, more kudos to you. Otherwise, just watch what you eat, exercise, and I'm sure you'll be hitting your weight loss goals in no time.

Good luck!


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