Randoms... (It's been awhile...)

Hi guys!
just posting some pics from the last month of so...
I haven't been up to much... just adventuring around town...

A hair update...
I'm supposed to be growing my hair out to waist length by my 26th birthday...
It's on my list of things to do in a year...
It will be fail... 
But my hair is doing well regardless...

I'm floating around bra strap length...
And my sides have grown down to APL...
With exception of the layers I cut into my hair recently...

excuse my fat back btw

But yes... this is my current length..
I expect another inch by my birthday...

Faux Bobbing...
Chola Lips for Church...
 I used Beautique Lip Cray in Blackberry and Jordana Matte Lipstick in Natural with a dab of one those mini lip glosses from Sally's...

really natural eyes lately...
 basically I've been just using concealer and powder for a natural color, then adding a little depth in the crease and lining the waterline and under my eye.
contouring as usual...

Easter Sunday...
probably should have gotten a shot of my outfit for you guys to see...
I suck when it come to taking outfit pics... 
They never look good...

But once a again a neutral eye..
depth in the crease...and lip color...

My lipstick was Jordana Matte Lipstick in Rouge...
If I was thinking I would have lined my lips a little darker... 
but hey... can't be undone.

swatches of the lip colors can be found under the swatches label...

Until next time...



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