Cherry Culture!

So I ordered form some time last week....and my stuff arrived yesterday....

So i did a couple of pics and swatches....

So far i really love the NYX pearl mania loose shadows....they rock....

And Splash cosmetics is also making it's mark on me....

So I got...

2 NYX lipsticks...Helio and Chaos
2 NYX round lipglosses....Very Clear and Golden Red
4 NYX single shadows...Morroco, Geisha, Africa and Hot Orange
5 NYX Pearl Mania shadows...Space, fanta, rust, penny, and orange
4 L.A. Splash mineral eyeshadows...fuschia fusion, hula hula, clownfish, and shipwreck copper

L3 Styli-Style Eye Base

So...while playing I took pics pf some of the stuff....
so here are the swatches...

NYX Pearl Mania
Orange, Rust, Penny, Fanta and Space(L-R)

Golden Red & Very Clear

Helio & Chaos


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