I'm Too Sexy For MY Blog!

Jenn gave me a "Sexy Blogger Award"...
Thanks Boo, You Hot TOO!
So the rules are:
Thanks Boo, You Hot TOO!
So the rules are:
- List 5 sexy things about yourself.
- Tag 5 sexy Bloggers.
So...Here we go...
- my lips
- my feet
- my eyes
- my personality
- my hair
And Five Sexy Bloggers...
- http://beautifulkarmacee.blogspot.com
- http://www.renaissanceblackwoman.com
- http://agrlcanmac.blogspot.com
- http://edotrich.blogspot.com
- http://socialitediary.blogspot.com/
2nd,Love your blog's template,PLEASE teach me how....
thx 4 stopn by ma blog.
You rock,x!