Guess Who's Bizzack!

Hello Lovelies,

All things are well... and I'm sorry for the seemingly total abandonment of this blog...and I know you may think that I have stopped reading your blogs...but I haven't...I just haven't been commenting like I once did....

I will get back to being an active member of this site....soon enough...

But anyways, I'm at the library mooching of of free internet, and electricity... so yeah....

So here are a few of the things I haven't gotten to tell you over the last week or so...


Look who came to visit me....

and eat my plants.... It's some sort of Canary Mix


My hair out turned out extra nice, this one day...and so I put on some lipstick and grabbed the camera to celebrate...LOL!


I'm scraping A.rmP.itL.ength...

YES! After I cut my hair a few months ago, I'm been trying to grow it back to where it was before.... Almost there....


I put twists in my hair...again...I'm getting better at doing it....



I really can't help but to make silly faces while taking pictures... this is on my way to church...


This is my today...


TheTinyJEWELBox said…
i sure do miss your ramblings...
Anonymous said…
Star!!!! I'm BACK!!!!

I misseed yo ass and the ramblings!!!!

Make sure to follow my *NEW* blog ...
Courtney said…
welcome back!!!
&i love the twists! i wish i could do them on my relaxed hair & they would stay. :/

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