Hello Lovers and New Followers!

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!
Praise God! For the wonders he has made!

Ok... Enough depth...

Anyways... Cam-whoring as usual!

So I told you when I posted that last look the WindowsMovieMaker refused to publish the file, so I had to do my tut over... Well I did do it over...

And I must say I think I did it a lot better!

The original post is HERE!

Obligatory Edited Photo


And since Spring Fling is coming up at my old Alma Mater, Lincoln University...
I did a little Orange, Blue and Black to represent!

tut coming soon...


Sarai said…
that is such a gorgeous combination!
Anonymous said…
oh wowww,the first look is soooo beautiful! I want to try it out tomorrow!
Unknown said…
love the first look, the colour combination is so pretty with your skintone.
Mz. More said…
loving the color combo of that first look. so pretty

Unknown said…
Thanks Lovelies!

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