Elegant Eyelash & Madame Madeline Haul....

So, It's official... I have enough lashes to last me forever....

So my Madame Madeline package arrived today...
And my all my lashes are here... YAY!

 I got Red Cherry Lashes from Madame Madeline...

I got... all in black...
#107 , #213, #412, #113, #110, #523

As you know I my package from Elegant Eyelash on Wednesday...

So here is the complete haul in picture form...
from Elegant eyelash and Madame Madeline...

That's a lot of lashes....


SandraBby said…
I recently got my box of assorted lashes from Madame Madeline too and I loved them all. Normally I wear them only on special occasions but I’ve noticed more and more girls just wear them regularly. Love the haul~

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