One Year To Change My Life Challenge

Hey guys... 

On June 27th, the day after my 25th birthday I will embark on my "One Year To Change My Life Challenge"...

I will challenge myself to make critical changes in my life to be or be well on my way being a better me...

I would love if you guys would join me in my quest, but for you...
All you have to do is make a list o f things  you would like to change in your life and work on them..

It could be a list of one or ten...

You would keep a daily-ish journal to help keep you on track...

As far as the blog is concerned I'll be making weekly/bi weekly entries on here... 
And you guys can too, and send/ leave the links..

We all could motivate each other in this...

If you chose to join me...
I wish you all luck...

If not...
Please pray for me in my upcoming journey...

I'll have a list of things I plan to do up in a few days...


KayJay said…
I'm down for the journey. It's been trying times for me, and I know I'm not the only one. My list has & will be revised every single day till I get where I want to be.

Keep me updated, Star....
Unknown said…
advance happy birthday deary! :) i was blog hoppin', glad I saw your blog! BTW, nice blog. Keep it up!
Definitely going to follow you :)
misskatv ✿
p said…
I'm so down for this... Just today, (your birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY), i WAS THINKing to myself, "you know self, you're about to be 21, so let's make a change"... I'm so gladd I checked my blogger, and saw this, because I really do believe in all of my potential. Tuesday, June 28th will be my 21st birthday, and instead of going clubbing, drinking, etc. I'm going to focus on what I really want in my future.. I've already made the drastic decision to not go to medical school, and now it seems my whole life is up afloat... But yes! I want to do this with you.... Let's start tomorrow ladies... and HAPPY HAPPY again...
p said…
follow me, to watch my challenge blogs...

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