One Year To Change My Life- Failed-ish
On June 27th 2011... I embarked on a mission to change my life...
my goals were...
1. Learn how to drive and get a Learner's Permit...(Um... I kinda learned how to drive some... but I don't have a learners...)
seems small but I'm 25 and have yet to do any of these things...
2. Read the Bible in full...(I started on this endeavor and didn't really get that far... I honestly just stopped making the time for it... and that's where I went wrong)
how can I possibly be able to succeed in life if I don't know the word, and have it in my heart?
3. Start reading books again, for entertainment and to learn...(I read a couple of books... I wanted to do this because I just felt like I was missing out on something I used to love... I still don't read as much as I should or want to...)
after college I got so tired of reading, but I NEED to read!!!
4. Lose Weight..(So I didn't lose 50lbs... I lost about 25... I actually started my journey at a whooping 269... told yall to give a lot... This is still something I'm working... I have joined a gym and I'm trying to be cautious of what I eat...)
This is a big one...
I weigh about 260 lbs give or take...probably give a lot...
So I HAVE to make a change...
My goal is to lose at least 50lbs in my year... or actually drop below 200lbs...
I plan to start a exercise regimen and stick to it...
Join a gym if possible...
Visit daily to help track my daily caloric intake...
Develop healthy eating habits...Maintain happiness while losing weight, try not to starve myself and kill all food joy...Dig down to the bottom of my overeating, Why DO I eat?
5. Grow my hair out...
Yes I know hair will grow...But I want to keep all of my hair...I need to be able to not trim for longer periods of time...I'm going to be doing the RQR/GHE method at least twice a week...Add more protective styling... up to at least 70% or maybe 80%...More Cowashing, Less Shampoo...UP my M&S... to at least 3x a week...(Yeah, my hair grew... I wanted to have be at waistlength by now... but I realize that was something of an unrealistic goal for me... I didn't do the RQR... but I did beat my goal of protective styling and pushed that up to about 90+%... So now I'm a little past BSL...)
6. Pay off Credit Cards and get my credit back in order...
This will take much longer than a year...But I believe with some structure and God on my side I can do this...I would need to pay my credit card bills, and work on developing settlements and payment plans with my creditors...
(Failed... I have at least acquired my credit report and I can see what I owe and to whom... )
7. Open a saving account, start budgeting, and tithe...
I need to save... I need to have money saved...I need to budget... You can buy a lot of things while on a budget...I need to watch where I'm spending my money...He deserves a piece... since it is all His to begin with...(NO savings acct... no real saving.... Failed...)
8. Start encouraging my creative side and hobbies...
I love to find things to do when I'm not busy...So I need to actually do the things I want to do...(Yeah... I do this... Lots of little things....)
9. Look for secure new employment...
While God is gracious enough to let me work and have a job...I need something better...(I'm happy to be employed, even though I am still where I was a year ago...)
10. I'm going to be more confident in my abilities...
Maybe I should actually start believing what people say about me, and have confidence in what I can do..(This one is hard... because it's more about finding self worth and value in my abilities... I'm thinking I've gotten better tho.)
11. Work on making my Vlog and Blog better...
Pay more attention to it and treat it like a job...Since I actually do love to vlog and blog, I should stop being lazy and actually make this place work...(Y'all know I really haven't gotten any better with this...)
12. Stop Procrastinating..
While I tend to do my best work when I'm in a bunch I need to get away from doing that...I need to be able to have something done in advance...(Sometimes I can find the gumption to just do something right away... other times... no.)
13. Be more open and available...
I feel like the older I get the less I fee like being bothered by the men who cross my path..I need to be open to the idea of stepping outside of my own box and being willing to pursue new things and people...(I don't know... I guess I have... but I'm still really suck in my own way....)
So, looks like I still have quite a few things to embark on...
They weren't done in a year...
But I will get these life goals off of this list...
