Uh.. Hi There!

Hi, Guys. It has been forever.
I really do miss blogging. 
I just don't seem to be able to find the time for it anymore...

Well Anyways. A couple of updates and whatnot.

My hair is longer...

I would usually say "Excuse My Rolls"... but forget that today... that is what my back looks like..lol!
I'm at BSL, I have about 5 inches to waist length and about 1 or 2 to MBL...

Here's a Relaxer Update...

what else...
I don't do too much makeup anymore...
But occasionally I do get bored and play...
 I think I have some randoms...

I really do miss my blogger community...
how have you been?

Oh, Follow Me on Instagram!



I'm about to come and stanch that hair girl!

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