

That stands for Secret Internet Fatty...
I'm not ashamed to stay that I may almost fall into this category...

Here's the Deal...

I never claim to be any smaller than I am...
I just happen to like to take pictures in weird angles and such....
All of my body (most likely) won't fit into the shot so why try...
I'm always my own photographer, So close-ups are all I can do...
I'm definitely not photoshopping myself into another size either...

I just find this term funny as hell...
Cause there so many people... who will deceive...
And like pretend to be something they are not....
But what happens when you meet someone from the internet, and your pictures depicted a 120lb female, and a 200+lb female is presented...(or male.... even though I don't know if men do this...)
That's an awkward situation isn't it....

That's my little piece on the S.I.F.


Mrsz Lovely said…
LOL...Im Usually Not into Blogging and im just starting But i will say..I LOVE THIS..
iTs SoO True.People are great deceivers when it comes to taking pictures
KayJay said…
I can never present an image of which I'm not.

And I don't have a personal photographer.

So, I do my best with what I have.

On The Strength.

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