Once Again...

Label me weird... But I did not like this movie... I did not cry... I did not have any of the reactions people told me I would or should...

Call me crazy cause I am... but I really don't get the hype surrounding this film... And the sad part is that it had/has so much potential...

As far as I'm concerned the plot basically went nowhere... the movie started in the middle and stayed there...

Ehh... I bet it get awards up the wahzoo...

What did y'all think...and tell me why you liked it...

And here's an hair up date... 6 months into my serious haircare journey.... Think My hair has grown nearly 4-5 inches since my set back in April.

taken 11.22.09

Oh yeah...and I was Faux Bob-ing for my Sunday's Best...



Vanessa M. said…
hmm i got the book like a few days ago hmmm
KayJay said…
I read the book in high school & instantly it reminded me of The Color Purple. When I saw the movie, I was reminded again of how strong the story was. I never read Alice Walker's novel, but I did see the movie at a young age. Now that I'm older & understand the world we live in, I realize that movies like this are not here to put a smile on our face. It gives us the raw, naked truth, and as a society, we need that on a regular basis. And most importantly, for all the Preciouses out there, this movie can very well be a type of therapy & they can finally see their story being told.
Fabulous Bella said…
I saw the movie and I was unmoved throughout most of the movie. There was one part that I couldn't help but cry and there were some moments that I could appreciate but overall, I felt the movie to be very forced, and it seemed to go nowhere. I need to read the book!

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