A little update...

I took out my senegalese twists on Monday...
I de-tangled today...and it was a mess!
Glad my mom could help...


I have a little....well a lot of Yes to Carrots Conditioner slathered on my head...
Then I wrapped my whole head with saran wrap...
I do all my washing and more conditioning tomorrow...
And I'll post pics...
I'll tell you this... if my ends don't look right...I will be getting a trim...or a CUT...
depending on how I feel...

So tomorrow I'll be washing with my castile soap...after I rinse out my conditioner...
Then I'll be doing a black tea rinse...Followed by more conditoner...
Rinse..I might do a little hot oil... Using EVOO and Grapeseed Oil...
Probably not...

Then a light protein...
And then I'll do a DC...with ORS Replenishing Condish...

Sounds like a lot... it is...


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