Fun Colors and MORE Bracelets...

So let's start with the OOTD...
One of my friends is graduation soon...
So we went looking for a couple of dresses for her upcoming ceremonies...

I took some pics of my outfit...

 Rocking some of the bracelets I made...
and a nice shot of some of the detail of my shirt...

Sweater: Martin & Osa
Shirt: Rucker by Target
Jeggings-- bought them at Ross Stores

and MORE bracelets...

So I can't quite remember how many homemade bracelets I showed you...
But here are the newest ones...

 I'm pretty sure you've seen the gold and black ones...
But the neon green, black &white and all white ones are new...

Do you see how the neon green one is giving me life tho? 
It is soooooo awesome!

The gold and green are a barrel/circle stitch...
The black and clear one (eventhough you can really see the clear gimp) is a square stitch...
The white one is a triangle stitch...
And the black and white one is a pentagon stitch...

I enjoy making these so much...
They remind me of simpler times...
And help cut down on my stress level...
As you can see the closures are different...
I like the diversity, and I have fun thinking up new ways to end and close these...

And these are awesome!

I saw this DIY on HonestlyWTF ...

Those made by the original creator are SOOOO gorgeous that I just had to try...
Based off the Do Brazil! bracelets by Aurèlie Bidermann...


she uses cute little paper clips to close hers... 
I've just used regular over-sized lobster clasps...


The Curvy Girl said…
Love the bracelets!!!!!

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