
I'm browsing through my updates...
You know seeing what new blogs you guys have posted...
And then I run into a section that is only the battered picture of Rihanna ...

UGH, Call me insensitive... but I really think we are making the situation worse...
I honestly wish everyone would chill....


Rai said…
I completely agree.
That picture shouldn't had been leaked in the first place.

Hope they fire the LAPD officer(s) who had anything to do with it getting out.
MissNotice said…
yea you should see what i wrote about the both of them
Anonymous said…
I agree...People are taking it WAY too far....WAY TOO FAR!!!! CHILL!!!!!!
clnmike said…
Yeah this had gotten out of hand.

People are not even really concerned about domestic violence as an issue there just stuck on gossip.
Unknown said…
@ Rai: Yea, But the picture is probably still considered public record and there will most likely be no consequences...

@ MissNotice: I'm bout to go and check it...

@ Reggie: EXACTLY! Especially since most people don't care about domestic violence when they see it everyday..

@ ClnMike: I agree...My point exactly...
Anonymous said…
Too bad it's not going anywhere anytime soon. They're too big a stars for it to disappear. And from the looks of that picture, Chris is probably going to do some sort of jail time. He really messed her up good. And whoever leaked the picture is going to be in some hot water whenever they figure out who it was.
Kiwi™ said…
I agree completely poor girl life is invaded to the 5th power... It's like she is Britney Spears now IRS so sad no one will let her be and it's her birthday weekend...this is like the worst week ever!

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