Girl Crush...

Now, I don't like girls...
But I so have a "girl crush" on this chick right here....

Let me Whore her videos a little bit...

Ain't she pretty?
And she's a poet....


It's ok to have a "girl crush", right?


Rai said…
She's pretty.

I love hair damn hair!
Is she African?
Rai said…
Ooh I like that last poem.
Alright fine... we can share. Rai, I'll fight you for that hair, though. mmmmmf. Very hot.
OhSoPolished said…
Thanks for taking the time out to post this! I'm really into poetry. This girl is mega-talented and I just subscribed to her vids.
Unknown said…
I love her hair too...

@ Rai...I don't know if she's African or not...

@ OhSoPolished... No problem...She is quite the poet...
Lamar Langston said…
shiit i gotta gurl crush 2
Anonymous said…
She is incredibly talented. Thank you for posting this.

And she is East African (Eritrean to be specific).

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