Question #3

Do you think some sort of spirituality is important?

I do...I don't know where I'd be without my faith...


KayJay said…
I think spirituality is very important in the growth of a person. Cause there is a higher power to look up to & seek for guidance. And everyone, regardless of race, color & creed need something spiritual to follow....
Rai said…
I'm not a real religious person at all, but I wouldn't want to be with an Athiest...
Yas said…
Spirituality is the only thing that keeps me grounded and a believer. I think it has been the gift that gives me the strength to persevere & share my heart & help others. ;)
Gorgeous Geek said…
I would say I am a spiritual person, as far as being in tune with myself. This helps me get threw a lot when I am questioning my purpose or the purpose of events.


I am not religious whatsoever
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