
I've been working a lot lately...and thus my blogging has slacked off... And even when I was off... Like Sunday and Monday... I was too lazy to do anything that could be posted...

So yeah I'm going to do better, for real...

Plus in celebration of my new job... I totally plan on having a contest or giveaway or something...
So yeah stay tuned for the events that are yet to come...

Love y'all!

throwback pic

Senior Prom 2004


Unknown said…
Congrats on the new job!

I'm doing a contest on my blog. When you have a chance, please check it out:

Are you a fan of "Sex In The City?"

The Bliss-List has the perfect prize for you!
"Follow" The-Bliss List and win the chance to follow in the footsteps of Carrie & Co. as they conquer New York City!

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