What I DO...

So yeah basically I've been totally slacking on the blog...
And the whole purpose of this blog was to get my feelings out when I need to, show off my ever-improving makeup skills, grow out my hair, talk about clothes and crap....and just essentially do me...

So y'all know I've been working hard and thus my blogging has been almost non-existent since like mid April... 

So anyways... Here are a few random topics mashed together...

Let's start with hair...
I am currently 16 weeks post relaxer (my last relax was on Feb. 07, 2010)...
and I plan to relax again on June 13, 2010 @ 18 weeks...

So yeah... here's a picture of my actual length, and I'll be happy to point out my problem areas...

OK... things I need to work on...
1. Better end maintenance, they are just a little see thru...
nothing a few trims over the next couple of months can't fix...

2. The hair on the right side of my hair seems to get less attention thus, the retarded short pieces...
now back in the old days... I would cut all my hair to that one length but since I'm trying to grow my hair out and that would cause a major setback, And I don't want that... So yeah I'll be diligent with my wet setting game this summer to help remedy and slowly cure that problem...

3. I think I need to do better/more search and destroys...
seeing that my hair isn't that long yet I can't really see the split ends and whatnot... 
so yeah... I'll be commissioning my mothers help to do this better...

Things I have learned...
1.Ok so I finally took the time out to find out what a "cone" is and the effect it has on my hair...but I also found out that they are somewhat of an anti-issue since I keep my hair super oily/greasy, and I wash with an oil soap...

2.Also, I am totally sulfate free now... yeah me... I just enjoy washing my hair so much more knowing I'm not washing with a type of salt(essentially)...I use Dr. Bronner's Magic All-One Organic Shikakai Lavender Soap and Petal Fresh Organics Lavender Nourishing Shampoo and Petal Fresh Organics Rosemary Volumizing Shampoo which I'm not sure if they make anymore(just checked and they don't)... but I love this stuff...

3.Oh yeah, and I have totally amped up my protein game...I do a hard protein once or twice between relaxers, and light/medium protein as I see fit....

Basically I think I'm going to be able to take this all the way! I am currently APL... and hopefully will be BSL by December... I think I'll be really happy with MBL hair... but I would definitely try to grow it out to WL just to see if I could.... 

My goal dates are set as follows...
APL: March 2010 Almost!---> May 2010
Full APL & BSL: November/ December 2010
MBL:June 2011
WL?: December 2011/January 2012?

OK enough about my hair... I know most/all of you stopped reading after paragraph numero uno...
So I finally had some time to do a couple of looks and tut's...




Obligatory Edited Pic...



hey hun!
i'm having a makeup sale on my blog
so feel free to check it out =)

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