
I've been working like the darkest slave in the yard...
So... finally we have finished the grand opening of the 6 HHGregg stores in the Baltimore area...

Anyways... I still manage to have a job, amazingly enough....

So other then that... I don't know...

I haven't done a decent post since.... 
like April 8th...
shame on me...BAD CHRISTA!

here are a few pics...

I put twist in my hair.... 
using 1 and 1b/30 hair...
I love the 1b/30 combo...
If I ever did put color in my hair...this would be the color....

And from Saturday night...


Danielle87 said…
I love your hair. I want to get mine done like that for the summer time. What brand of hair did u use?
Bleu said…
Love your hair. I did it like this last summer.

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