Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow....

Just an update....
I relaxed my hair on Sept. 11 2010..
Here are some pics...
I am APL.... 
Hopefully my sides will catch up and I'll be able to claim full APL in 2011...
The back mostly like will be in the BSL area by then....

My next relax is set for January/ February...

Happy Growing!


Spesh said…
wow! your hair looks awesome :)
working on mine too,even though I dont have any length target yet...

will be following your hair journey definately xxx
Your hair looks good! Nice, shiny and healthy!

I cracked up at your comment about my hair on my blog, lol.

Yes, I wear a weave! And I do it myself, though I am NOT a stylist. My hair underneath is really fine and thin, doesn't hold a curl or a style at ALL.

Thanks again for stopping by! :)

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