If You Think...

I'm going to stop wearing skinny jeans just because I'm fat/not skinny... 
You have lost your mind...

I recently joined lookville (if you want an invite...leave a comment)...
And recently I've heard a lot about what I should and shouldn't be wearing...
What kind of waist definition I should have...
What kind of jean cut would look best on me...
How to avoid looking bottom heavy...

And all I have to say is...
I like the clothes I wear...
If I want to squeeze my anti-skinny body into a skinny jean I shall do so...
And be happy about it...
If I want to totally disregard my waist (which is hard to do...cause as you can see my hips are wide as hell)...
I will do so and be happy about it...
If I look bottom heavy...
Thank You... I was trying to...

I'll end my rant here...


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