Was it Worth It?
Lately, I've wondering that a lot about my college experience...
I mean would I be in the same situation if I didn't go...
Well I wouldn't have ppl harassing me about they money...
But I also wouldn't have such great friends...
So I got a call from some lady...
She works for Chase Student Loans Recovery Somethingorother...
NEVER get a loan from them...
So she's like I'm going to need you to pay this loan off...
And I'm like...
Well I do have a p/t job...
Can we get some type of payment plan happening?
She's all like ...um no... I'm going to need it all...
I laughed...
52 G's?
She was like well maybe we can settle it down to about 35 for you...
She was like you're going to need to get someone to get a loan for you...
I told her... most of the ppl I know have worse credit then me...
How am I going to ask them to take out a loan for 35 grand for me...
Bill Collectors...
God is NOT pleased, with all the greed...
I'm fitna just take this to court...
Stand in front of the judge, speak my piece...
And have him tell the big greedy bank to shove it...
And put me on a payment plan I can afford...
This is really pissing me off...
But For some reason...
I feel like it's happening for a reason...
What lesson am I learning Lord?
I would love just a little insight..
Like I told a friend of mine...
I'm just waiting for the future to happen...
I've stopped really caring about this situation tho...
I'm just going to have the lord work it out...
