Neglecting You?
I caught that guy who wanted to date me, staring at me the other day...
I don't know whats happening but I'm staring to attract men left and right...
I'm not necessarily used to this...
I did my hair for the summer...
You already know...
Senegalese Twists on lock!
They are really good for me cause my hair tend to grow like a weed in the summer...
So to keep a firm handle on my new growth I put in my twists...
They took about 10 hrs. to do this time...
And they are a little smaller and a lot neater then usual...
Every time I do them I get better...
I guess practice actually does make perfect or should I say better....
Well this is what the finished product looks like...
And I made them a little longer then waist length...
They are probably closer to hip length
And I have to start working on the middle again...
I have to force myself to start doing my stretches and crunches again...
The back...
All bunned up...
See that little bit of #30 peeking...
Love it!
So I've been doing a light M&S nightly/ every other night...
Been using a little alcohol free mousse to control my fly aways...
Since I don't cut and singe them off like most braiders...
Wrap with a scarf...
And when I shower I put the hair up into a big bun and let my hair steam for about 10-15 minutes...
Anyways I'm going to do care on them tomorrow...
Wash with my oil soap...
Lightly condition...and then deep condition...
Follow with a little mousse...
And re-install/ tighten any I'm not happy with...
Currently I'm 8 weeks post...
My relaxer is set for the 1st of October...
So have about another 8-9 weeks left before I relax..
Hopefully I'll be grazing BSL!
Or at least working towards full APL...
I'm expecting to be BSL for Christmas... but I'll be happy if I get there early 2011 too...
So I've been doing a light M&S nightly/ every other night...
Been using a little alcohol free mousse to control my fly aways...
Since I don't cut and singe them off like most braiders...
Wrap with a scarf...
And when I shower I put the hair up into a big bun and let my hair steam for about 10-15 minutes...
Anyways I'm going to do care on them tomorrow...
Wash with my oil soap...
Lightly condition...and then deep condition...
Follow with a little mousse...
And re-install/ tighten any I'm not happy with...
Currently I'm 8 weeks post...
My relaxer is set for the 1st of October...
So have about another 8-9 weeks left before I relax..
Hopefully I'll be grazing BSL!
Or at least working towards full APL...
I'm expecting to be BSL for Christmas... but I'll be happy if I get there early 2011 too...

I want braids too just so I can wear it in a high bun :D