Makeup Addiction...

So I'm a collge student and even though I no doubt should be spending on things pertinent to my education....

I don't...

I buy makeup...often....and while I'm not crazy and going out and buying $400 worth of M.A.C. twice a month... I will spend $40 I basically don't have on something I most likely have an exact dupe of in my makeup cases....

Argh... I really think that I'm going to have a makeup section in my budget when I graduate....Hopefully, I'll stick to it....maybe...LOL....

It's ridiculous....and my friends are like "Christa, You know you have that/you have more than enough"....

ERG! Well, Yeah....Just expressing something most makeup lovers have heard before....

I really do love the stuff...The experimentation that comes with buying something new.... trying a brand new color (that they say shouldn't work for your skin color) and making it look great....Just expressing my style in my clothes, and shoes, and skin, eyes, lips, cheeks... is great....

No wonder it's a billion dollar business....

You think they put drugs in the makeup so you'll become addicted?...

You know what makeup has taught me? Do what you want.... be yourself and be confident...

A lot of people think that people wear makeup to cover up their flaws....and while it does cover up your flaws....I also empowers you to do what you want in life.... and gives you lots of confidence....

You have to be bold to draw so much attention to your face right? Blue/Pink/Yellow/Orange/Purple eyeshadow...most definitely grabs the eye....

Anywho....Enough Rambling...

Be Blessed!


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