Wide Calf Madness!

I hate that there are very little to no boots wide enough for my calf....
It bothers me sooooo much....
I think I see a pair I might cop tho....
only question is will the sole hold up to me?

these are about to be in my closet....

or maybe these?

winter boot fun?


Tara said…

I know your problem, i to have wide calves, (46cm but keep that quite).

Getting boots to fit used to be a problem due to my size but i have come accross a great little company www.duoboots.com.

They are worth a look at least - i dont know what style your after but these are all customer fit and ship all over the place.

Let me know what you think

Tara x
Unknown said…
yeah... i love their website....

it just that i have a 23 inch calf and even they don't make them big enough for me....

I have stumbled across quite a few great sites in my search...another site like Duo is this one i found today named www.thebootfits.com

Thanks tara....

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