Maybe, Just Maybe....

So someone asked me to post the paper for McCain....and this is what I came up with....

It ain't all of that...If I had to seriously do this...I don't know.... I can't be non-partisan in this time or at this point in my life.....

So yeah....It could be better...I read it over today...and ehh...

In the Last Days

As we approach the final leg of the election there are many things one can do to turn the tables in our favor. We know that both candidates have a viable chance at winning the presidential election, and with the election date quickly approaching we need to analyze the strengths and weakness of our own communication strategies. While doing a self check, we can also study the communication style of the Barack Obama campaign. In analyzing our own strengths and weakness we will be looking to find out what can be done to make a better impression on voters. The ultimate goal of this overhaul is to sway Obama voters, capture undecided votes, and maintain the votes we already have.
Barack Obama is considered a breath of fresh air because he is young, intelligent, genuine and has vision for a better America. While his youth is considered a good thing, it is pockmarked with inexperience, and he has little foreign policy knowledge. We need to show the American public that there is a reason to vote for you, over him. The best way to start would be to develop a vision of your own and make it known. If you did this it would be very likely that people would understand where you are trying to lead America. In addition to making your vision known, you would also need to show people that your policies and theories about how America should be run are viable and helpful to the betterment of this country, with all it‘s people include.
We should make an effort to improve your image by making people see that you are working on your political weaknesses. While things such as your national recognition, experience, war record, and media savvy have helped to push you forward, we need and extra incentive to push you into the presidency. We should also try to emphasize the good aspects of your character, and play up your strengths. If we can get people to understand why experience is so important, or how your war experience has prepared you for the presidency then we can close the gap and possibly win the election. While emphasizing the strengths, you can actively work to change the ideas Americans hold about your age, capability and temper, then you may have a greater chance of winning this election. You need to work to show Americans that you have the capability and stability to maintain the presidency for the next 4 years. One could find similar positive political figures who are close in age range and compare them to yourself, and emphasize their ability as an older person. Some Americans may feel as though you have a temper, we need to work towards maintaining an even tone and try to reduce the seemingly emotional reactions you have to accusations against you and your campaign. Also, it would be beneficial to cut back on the amount of smear campaigning, if we began to just post the facts, instead of bashing the other candidate then we can regain full support of unhappy voters. If we can put some of these suggestions into place we can sway some voters, maintain McCain voters and begin pulling in some of the undecided voters.
We need to really ask ourselves what would pull the undecided voters to our side. What are they looking for? Undecided voters have given an array of reasons as to why they have not yet decided who will receive their vote. The excuses range from them not being able to trust either candidate to there being more than just two parties. Being that there are many reasons why people are undecided it is hard to determine what will bring in those other voters, but if we take the time to recognize some their concerns and enact some of the suggestions made, then maybe we can persuade the undecided voter that John McCain is the way to go.
The main goal of this communications overhaul is to sway Obama voters, capture undecided votes, and maintain the votes we already have. We have hit the final leg of the election and there are quite a few things we can do to turn the odds in our favor. Figuring out ways to sway the undecided voters and pulling Obama voters into our camp is the goal. With both candidates have a high chance of winning the presidential election, we have analyzed the strengths and weakness of our own communication strategies and come up with ideas to put us on top.


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