
So I heard all the hype about Mehron Paradise 8 Color Palettes...
So I bought one about a month ago...
So yesterday, when I probably should have been studying....I played with my Mehron palette....
I have the pastel palette and this is the look I came up with...

then I slapped on some foundation....yum...jesse's girl cosmetics....

and then for gits and shiggles..."leopard spots"...
my first time trying them...they are way harder to do than i thought...

I used the blue 2nd from the end...

here are some swatches which you most likely have seen already....
(probably not on brown skin, tho...)

no flash
no flash


no flash
the colors are great as a base.... they stay put and brighten up anything you put over them....
getting the consistency right takes practice and is the hardest part...after you've mastered that you can do anything with them...
more looks to come....
I plan on getting the primary, tropical, and metallic palettes eventually...
how i wish there were theatre stores near me...


Celia said…
LOL. It's too sheer for my liking, and photographs weird. I love the colors though.

I love that Mehron palette. I'd love one soon.

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