OOTD... Floating Around The City...

I wore this out today...
Well not the shoes...

But I would have if I had gone some place important...

And I've gone thru two hairstyles...
I set my hair on rods on Sunday...
But the humidity totally killed those curls...
So I did some bantu knots Monday night...

Here is Monday's hair...

And here is Today's hair...

And here is what I looked like for my pre-birthday celebration...

I slapped on Yasmine and had a ball...
But overall...I don't know if half-wigs are for me...
also... she's a little thin and sheddy...
So I will be adding tracks to her...
Check for that vid soon...


Danielle87 said…
Yea my half wigs are the same way. They have been shedding but it seems like after I wash them they stop for the time being.
Anonymous said…
You should of wore those heels!!!!
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love the hair!! how you curl your hair and it looks all volumized is amazing!...love the hair!!

BBM said…
eeekkk!!! u are sooo adorable girl!!! love the pop of color in the pumps! wooorkkk it!

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