Sunday's Best

I didn't get around to taking pictures of my outfit...
But I did get a chance to debut my new half-wig...
Yasmine by Outre...
I ordered her from HairSisters...
I ordered one but they sent me two by mistake....
Yeah! So I Guess I have to decide whether or not to keep her or possibly give her away to one of my followers or subscribers...

Yasmine is pretty nice...
She's really soft...and not to bulky... but she has enough weight to make you feel like you have a piece on...
I don't know... for me that's a good thing...

The only problem I have is the fact that my head is BIG!
Yasmine's cap is tiny for me...
But as you can see....I worked it out...

I see now I'm going to have to keep an eye on her as she does tangle some...
I wish I still had some of my weave mousse...
I might get some just because....


Danielle87 said…
That half wig looks cute on you. I just bought a half wig to from clairhair and I wore it today. I say u should use the other half wig as a giveaway. And what is this weave mousse you speak of?? I can tell my half wig is going to be a tangler lol
She looks so good on you girl!!

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