To Date or Not To Date...

One of my coworkers asked me out...
I don't know why I found that hilarious...
But he is totally not my type...
I don't really have a type looks wise...
But he seems so... not fun... or funny... he's just there...
Pssh... I'm not that kind of person... so why would I date that kind of person...
Even when I don't make my presence known ppl tend to notice me...
So yeah...

And he acts like he's scared of me...which I don't like... I hate it actually...
So I may or may  not go out with him...

Plus he asked me out on the 26th and has yet to ask me for my number or anything...
I know how forward girls can be nowadays... but I'm not...
I will play dumb 'til the last minute...

So will he step up and be a man...
We'll see... but yeah... I doubt it...

My gut is telling me not to even waste my time...
Maybe I should listen...


Danielle87 said…
I think you should listen. How could he ask you out and not even think to get your number. Sounds like a waste of time smh
Unknown said…
Thank you... PPL tryna tell me otherwise...
If you're not feeling him, it's best you leave that situation alone!
Anonymous said…
I say go out as friends. Nothing wrong with that!!!

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