Back to School... And I was wondering...

Back to school for my final semester of undergrad!

YES! Graduation is right around the corner!

I'm taking 18 credits, I have a job, again...

So Yeah...

And I was wondering, for those of you who do visit my YouTube channel, or who like to see my looks on here...

Do you all have any requests for a certain look, or application or whatever...
I'm very open to requests on both looks and topics for my videos...

Just thought I'd throw that out there since...I'm becoming quite boring as far as YouTube goes...


Adina Renée. said…
i love your youtube, i'm you're friend on there also, but i just wanna know like specific products you use on your hair. or are there any you recommend for the keep up? i'm trying to get mine to grow and i wanna know some things i should do or stop doing.
Anonymous said…
o0o0o0o0o0o0o0...can you show how to do like an everyday look with like browns and neutral colors...I know its nothing big but....can you do it pleeeaaaassseeeee...I love the way you do ur make-up;)
Anonymous said…
Just subscribed to ur YouTube!!

School is cool! i am so happy i am done w/school! Yay for ur new job!!!

Anything fashion related will do !!!
Anonymous said…
Ummm do you dance?!? sing>!>

You should do the "single ladies" dance....I would love you!!!:)
Anonymous said…
SO, is this a yes for "single ladies"????
Anonymous said…
LOL @ reggie
clnmike said…
Hey is this the Lincoln U in Pa?

I went there my freshman year in 92.
clnmike said…
Lol, yall got it good when I went it was like the wild wild west. I wished i finished there though.
its my last semester too!!! congrats ahead of time:)
Ceecee said…
Good Luck-I just started school too! I tried to do those twists-uh negative! lol I failed...couldn't get them in tight! OH well---my new blog link

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