What is Wrong?

Lately, I've been feeling very sexy...
Like more than usual...

I need to chill...
I mean what the hell?
What is causing this?

Do y'all go through stages when you really feel like you're the hottest person to ever live?
And don't give me that I feel like that everyday crap...I'm talking unusual hype-ness over yourself...


Yeah I go thru that. Sometimes I'll SWEAR that I'm the finest thang walking, and I've got so much confidence that my head is gonna burst. And sometimes I just feel average.
that is wassup! :-)i think its good to feel like that sometimes
Keith said…
I do...and you know what? From the photos I see of you on this blog..You ARE sexy.
Unknown said…
Thanks, good to know I'm know I'm not alone...
Hard Work said…
You're definitely fly... there's no doubt about that...
Rai said…
I sure do. That's usually the days I take like a hundred pictures. LMAO

But then I have those days I look like a big ol' bum... ehhh
Ceecee said…
Yes and I love it when I feel that way-there are just days when I feel like all eyes should be on me! lol

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