I've Been Thinking...

About a friend I used to have-- a lot lately... mostly cause his girlfriend is keeping him from me...I know she be deleting the emails I send to him and what not...

Truth of the matter is...I really don't want your man...never did...If I did... I really could have, would've had him before he ever met you...

I mean I knew him first...
And he was one of my really good friends...

Now she blocking...I knew something was shady when "he" started sending me random behind text messages in the middle of the night... asking what we were to each other....
Should known then, that she wasn't trying have me in his life... It prolly was her from the beginning, I should have known...

I'm trying to figure out if I would be the same way if I was in her place...

Dang, wonder if I'll ever get my friend back....


clnmike said…
Truth be told he should be checking that and at the same times you sure you are not crossing boundries?

The rules of friendship between the opposite sex changes when a significant other is involved.
clnmike said…
Thats her man and you got to respect that, and it is an issue he has to address.

Yeah she has low self esteem but he needs to handle his girl.
Anonymous said…
i know how that other girl might feel but how can a guy let a girl sneak into his emails?

but i know i would've react the same way as this girl and do anything i can to keep that other girl who "interferes" in our relationship as far as possible from my man.

hope things are gonna turn out well for u.
Rai said…
She's insecure.
If he was a TRUE friend, he'll set her straight and make her
understand that it's not like that between ya'll.
clnmike said…
You still aint say what he had to say on the matter.
Nick said…
Girls that do that are insecure and afraid of loosing their man. I can guess you are probably more beautiful than she is.

Like your blog. A new follower, pls check out mine :)
KayJay said…
I bet this chick got dude "friends" that he don't know about. Prolly tryna have her cake & eat it too. And son need to put her in check, and let her know what time it is. Goin' into someone else's phone is a felony violation, point-blank period!

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