Finally, I'm Finished!

I started to twist my hair on Sunday....

Based on a couple videos on Youtube, and the fact that my friend did her own....

So, Yeah....

Sunday night I did like one row....Then Monday I finished the back...then on Tuesday I realized I didn't like the size of my twists...So I took all the back ones out and re-did them smaller and less bulky...

I have a big head, and it took like 6 packs of (synthetic)hair [hard to keep track cause the hair was everywhere and I had to throw like a pack away cause it got all knotted somehow, and I know i picked up a half a pack off of the floor]....

So yeah...Here are the results, and i must say I'm pleased because: (a.) I did it myself (b.)The whole thing would have only cost my 10 bucks [compared to the 250 I payed last year to get my hair braided] and c. it doesn't look half bad.....


Yeah, but obviously they are no Braidshop Twists....They would be way smaller, the parts would be way smaller, but who has time for all of that? It takes two braiders all day to do my yeah...

Pictures Much?


Anonymous said…
I LOVE IT!!!!!
Harlem Loves said…
Oh that looks gorgeous! I'm so jealous I really want to get my hair done so I can give it a break!
Rai said…
Yours is sooo long, but good job!
My sister always twists her own her.
Alyssia said…
go head girl! That is too cute....Lord knows I'm far too impatient to try it on my own lol. Til' I find some patients I'm stuck paying $160 for sew-ins and braids or doing my own hair...which is highly unlikely anytime soon lol
Anonymous said…
Gosh its looks so nice!!
wish I could do my own hair that well.

I wanna see it in a high pony but inna

Don't ask why. I love buns but I'm short haired at the moment..lmao
Ceecee said…
Hey lady- which video did you watch to learn this - do you have the link- im THINKING...THINKING- of doing my own- and how long did it really take- I was thinking if I sit down on my day off I could finish it within a 12 hr period or so- im hoping...
Anonymous said…
wow...your hair looks soo good...I know I couldn't do dat

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