Tag You're IT!

I was tagged by Jenn to do a questions tag...
I have to tag 7 people so I tag...








where is your cell phone? on my bed

where is your significant other? don't have one

your hair color? dark dark brown almost black

your mother? home

your father? home

your favorite thing? Right now...It's makeup

your dream last night? i never can fully remember my dreams

your dream/goal? to be unrelentingly happy

the room you're in? bedroom

your hobby? makeup...singing....drawing...painting...youtubing...

your fear? looking back on my life and having lots of regrets

where do you want to be in 6 years? Married, Working, Laughing...

where were you last night? um...I went to the Mall and the Cheesecake Factory

what you're not? easy

one of your wish list items? give me dem dollas

where you grew up? baltimore city

the last thing you did? ate

what are you wearing? t-shirt, pajama pants

your tv? off

your pet? marvin the cat

your computer? on

your mood? good/content

missing someone? neh, not really

your car? I should learn how to drive it would make my life so much easier

something you're not wearing? socks

favorite store? Ross....but only cause I'm like super cheap...

your summer? hot...uneventful....but still good

love someone? yep...lots of people

your favorite color? reddish pink...

when is the last time you laughed? like 10 minutes ago...

last time you cried? it been a couple months at least

are you a b***h? based on todays defintition, sometimes...

favorite position? i don't participate in such adult activities...

favorite past time? shopping/makeup/blogging/youtubing

are you a hater or a lover? lover

are you genuine or fake? genuine

any vices? um...I just mioght be too real/blunt for those faint of heart

pro life or wire hanger? ouch..."wire hanger"... but anyway...I'm pro-choice...

mccain or obama? Mr. President

pro plastic or natural? natural....I mean let it be...

dream job? to do whatever i wanted


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