I love you Knot! && Random Hair Talk
So I did a "Bantu-knot out"... after I cowashed and deep conditioned my hair...
Basically you twist your hair and then twist it around itself and when you take it out you'll get this curly look...
You can also just wear the knots...
So yeah, here are the results...
Me loves! Now let see how long it stays...

I used some Blue Magic to separate the coils...

And lately...
Quite a few people have been asking what I use in my hair and what I do to my hair...
Well, let me see...
Starting with the perm... I get 4 to 6 relaxers a year...for the last couple of years I've been averaging 4... I'm a stretcher and I just found out... One perm per season sounds about right...
My last one was at the end of September...Next one will be on
I braided it instead so who know when I'll get another perm...
I deep condition my hair all the time...Whenever I wash I deep condition if I can....
I generally only direct heat on my hair once per washing (which is usually once a week)...and when I get a perm I wait 2 weeks to wash...
When using direct heat on my hair, the iron is never on the highest setting...I always put some type of grease/moisturizer in my hair to aid in straightening....I never rely on high heats to straighten...
I've cut down on my use of a brush and fine tooth combs...
The thing I'm learning more and more everyday is to take special care to your ends...Without them being healthy you will not gain the length you may want...They are the oldest and most likely to dehydrate and break off...So take special care to make sure you're not putting too much stress on the ends....Moisture is VITAL!
I drink a lot of water...It's great for your skin, hair, nails, everything!
As far as what I use...
A couple things I swearby would be...
Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Perm- I love it cause it moisturizes and doesn't make your hair bone straight...
Sulfur8-yeah it stinks...but my scalp loves this stuff.... plus sulfur makes your hair grow...
Dr. Miracles Hot Gro- stimulates you scalp which is always good, and also has sulfur in it...
So yeah, that's about it...
Everything else I use is pretty random...I do use Blue Magic's Blue, Green and Coconut Greases... I also use castor oil, and random oil moisturizers....I'm not choosey with shampoos and such, so yeah...
I hope that helps!
I'm gonna try this style out one of these days.
Try it..it's super easy!
Oh and in reply to your question.
I got the 88 palette.
@Mike- Thanks, babe!
@Rai- Yeah, It almost looks natural...almost...Thanks!
Maybe i'll try this one when I get rid of my sew-in.
I started stretching my relaxers in September too. Heard its better for your hair.
I love it soooo much!